Letzte Infos finden Sie auch auf der Seite "Neues" !

Last informations you´ll find at page "News" , too !

1998       European Champion (cat.:beginners) -EURO TEDDY-

1999       Publics Prize Winner                -TEDDYBÄR WELT-

              Master Teddy Winner  and Publics Prize Winner                                                                                  in Neustadt/Co

              European Champion and Publics Prize Winner                                                                                         -EURO TEDDY -


 2000      TOBY Award nominee                          USA

              Publics Prize Winner               - TEDDYBÄR TOTAL -

              Master Teddy Winner and Publics Prize Winner                                                                        in Neustadt/Co        

              2 x European Champion  and  Publics Prize Winner                                                                  - EURO TEDDY -

              2 TED Worldwide Nominees

2001       2 TOBY Award Nominees                      USA

              TED Worldwide Winner           - TEDDYBÄR WELT -

              Publics Prize Winner                - TEDDYBÄR TOTAL -

              2 x TOBY Award Winner                       USA

              2 x European Champion and Publics Prize Winner                                                                      -EURO TEDDY -

              2 TED Worldwide Nominees

2002        2 TOBY Award Nominees                      USA

              TED Worldwide Winner and Publics Prize Winner                                                                                  - TEDDYBÄR WELT -

              "Golden George" Winner          - TEDDYBÄR TOTAL -

              European Champion                       - EURO TEDDY -

              TOBY Award Winner                           USA

              2 TED Worldwide Nominees

2003       3 TOBY Award Nominees                        USA

              TED Worldwide Winner and Publics Prize Winner                                                                               - TEDDYBÄR WELT -

              Publics Prize Winner                  - TEDDYBÄR TOTAL -

              European Champion                     - EURO TEDDY -

              2 x TOBY Award Winner                         USA

              2 TED Worldwide Nominees

2004      3 TOBY Award Nominees                            USA

               2 x TED Worldwide Winner and Publics Prize Winner                                                                  -TEDDYBÄR  WELT -

              "Golden George" Winner          - TEDDYBÄR TOTAL -

              European Champion and Publics Prize Winner                                                               - EURO TEDDY -

              TOBY Award Winner                               USA

              3 TED Worldwide Nominees

2005         2 TOBY Award Nominees                            USA

              3 x TED Worldwide Winner       - TEDDYBÄR WELT -

              European Champion and Publics Prize Winner                                                                  - EURO TEDDY -

              2 x TOBY Award Winner                                   USA                      and        "Best in Show TOBY Award"

              3 TED Worldwide Nominees

2006      Golden Teddy Award Nominee                       USA

             TOBY Award Industry´s Choice Winner           USA                                          (TOBY Nominee)

             2 x TED Worldwide Winner and Publics Prize Winner                                                                               -TEDDYBÄR WELT -

             "Goldener George" Winner   and                            Publics Prize Winner       -  TEDDYBÄR TOTAL -

             TOBY Award Winner 2006                          USA

             GOLDEN TEDDY Award Winner 2006               USA

                    break ...break...break...break...break

2007        European Champion          -Euro Teddy-

2008        TED Worldwide Winner   and  Publics Prize Winner                                                                           -Teddybär Welt-

              European Champion        -Euro Teddy- 

2009       3 x  TOBY  Industry´s Choice Award Winner      USA

              1 X GOLDEN TEDDY Award Nominee                     USA

              2 x TOBY PUBLIC'S CHOICE AWARD       and

              "BEST IN SHOW" TOBY AWARD  2009                USA

               GOLDEN TEDDY AWARD WINNER                     USA

2010        3 x TOBY Industry's Choice Award Winner          USA

             TED Worldwide Winner   and   Publics Prize Winner                                                            -Teddybär Welt -

             TOBY Publics Choice Award Winner           USA

             TED Worldwide Nominee 2010/2011

2011       TOBY Industry's Choice Award Winner                    USA

             TED-Worldwide Winner     -Teddybär Welt -  

                 break --- break --- break --- break    

2013          2 x URSA Award Winner  and

                          URSA Major Winner ( Best Overall ) 

                          2 x TED-Worldwide Nominee  2013/2014  

2014                  2 x TOBY Award Industry's Choice     USA